A downloadable instrument library

SuperPeRIL is a collection of public domain samples selected, edited and looped for use in Furnace Tracker. It includes a total of 50 instruments and 26 percussion kit sounds, sourced from CC-0 samples. For convenience, I am releasing these instruments in a song template for Furnace Tracker, ready to be used to make "Game Boy Advance"-like music, as well as separate instrument files.

The main goal of SuperPeRIL is to provide a set of 100% legal, clearly sourced, no-strings-attached instruments to make retro music with. Crediting me is appreciated but not necessary. Feel free to use the instruments in your own songs, use this tracker file as a template directly, or even expand on it and distribute your own modified version of the template.

If you use any of the SuperPeRIL instruments, I also give you full permission to include the SuperPeRIL logo (or any variation or recreation of it) in your project page, splash screen, credits section, etc. The logo is included in the download.

For more information, check the README file.

Thanks for reading and happy music-making!

Updated 27 days ago
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Tagsfurnace-tracker, instruments, Music, sample-library, samples


SuperPeRIL_1.0.zip 8.5 MB

Install instructions

Download the .zip file and extract it into a folder. You can open the .fur file directly in Furnace Tracker to start making music right away, or you can create a new song from scratch and import the instrument files you wish to use (you'll find them all in the "Instruments" folder). Enjoy!


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dang, didn't expect you to make this free! was lost in making gba stuff for furnace hoping if i looked up "furnace instruments" i'd get something worthwhile & literally the first third-party source that comes up... thank you!! so much!!!

You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it!


Very cool!



thanks for sharing! (i forgot reading they are all sample-based, i was expecting fm patches! xD)


Haha, no worries. They were meant initially to make Game Boy Advance music, that's why they're sample-based :D But I may also add FM patches later on! We'll see.

cool! and thanks! :)